Benjamin Garcés C. - Scientific Communications Portfolio



Biochemistry engineer with background in molecular & cellular biology and bioinformatics. Currently working as IB science teacher. I possess skills in statistical analysis in R, genetics and I have a special interest in genetics & neurosciences. I'm consistently improving my knownledge and skills in the fields of my main academic interests. I've been into scientific communication lately due to my genuine passion for science and sort of learned to code in html for the fun of building my personal portfolio. I also love dinosaurs.

About this webpage

I've built this webpage to showcase my skills in science communciation oriented to the general public. Here you'll find some articles about practical science curiosities and news about some topics of interest. You're welcome to reach out in case you need services in scientific communication, language translation, scientific research or just to chat about science.


News Articles Portfolio

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Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).